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Around the world, conjunctivitis is a prevalent ailment seen in ophthalmology clinics. Alarming indicators of more serious intraocular disorders, such as significant pain, impaired vision, and painful pupillary reaction, must be taken into consideration when managing suspected cases of conjunctivitis. Patients with unusual results and a chronic course should also have a comprehensive physical examination as well as a complete medical and ophthalmic history. Conjunctival involvement in a systemic disease may be detected by concurrent physical exam findings and pertinent history. Conjunctivitis caused by viruses is still the most common cause of the condition overall. Although it is less common, bacterial conjunctivitis is the second most common cause of infectious conjunctivitis. About 50% of people experience allergic conjunctivitis, which is characterized by itching, mucoid discharge, chemosis, and edema of the eyelids. When patients with conjunctival irritation and discharge use preservative-containing eye drops over an extended period of time, toxic conjunctivitis is likely the underlying cause. Timely diagnosis, adequate classification of the various etiologist, and suitable treatment are all important components of effective conjunctivitis care.


Bacterial, viral, toxic, allergic, conjunctivitis, COVID-19, and coronavirus


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Aarti S. Baware
Corresponding author

Department of pharmacology, LBYP college of pharmacy, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

D. K. Vir

Department of pharmacology, LBYP college of pharmacy, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

Gajanan Sanap

Department of pharmacology, LBYP college of pharmacy, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

Aarti S. Baware*, D. K. Vir, Gajanan Sanap, Eye Conjunctivitis, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 12,913-919.

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