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  • Costus igneus Plant: With Their Therapeutical Values Other Than Anti-Diabetic Effect
  • 1Student, Department of Pharmaceutics, SMBT College of B. Pharmacy, Nashik, India.
    2Asst. Prof., Department of Pharmaceutics, SMBT College of B. Pharmacy, Nashik, India.


Analyzing herbal medications is necessary for the acceptance and globalization of Ayurveda. Ayurveda’s quality is supported by science when the physiochemical value of its herbs is accurately and completely assessed. To establish such fundamental analytical values for the therapeutic anti-diabetic herb. i.e., costus igneus, this work is done. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that costus igneus is not only about anti-diabetic but also have a number of pharmacological properties, including hypolipidemic, hypoglycemic, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, and anti-urolithiac activities. The current work enables researchers to clarify chemical compounds present in costus igneus with their medicinal properties.


Costus igneus, insulin plant, tannin, costaceae.


Natural products are an excellent source of complex chemicals, possessing a wide variety of biological activities and having a great potential therapeutic value(1). Higher plants are major sources of therapeutic agents and extensively utilized throughout the world in traditional as well as modern system of medicine(2). According to the World Health Organization, 80% of the world’s population uses extracts or their active constituents in traditional medicines. In India, there are over 45,000 plant species, many of which are very structurally diverse and have the ability to create enormous quantities of organic compounds(3). According to the WHO, between 70% and 80% of Indians rely on Indian systems of treatment such as Unani, Siddha and Ayurveda(4). One of the most significant sources of medications are comes from plants. The majority of medications used today are derived from plants, including morphine from papaver somniferum, Ashwagandha from withania somnifera, ephedrine from ephedra vulgaris, and atropine from Atropa belladonna and many more(5). Due to their efficacy, affordability and safety, herbal medications play a significant role in the world(4).

            Costus Igneus Plant.jpg

    Figure No.01: Costus igneus Plant

The Indian medicinal systems use plants to varying degrees

Ayurveda       : 2000

Siddha           : 1300

Unani            : 1000

Tibetan         : 500

Modern         : 200

Folk              : 4500

Homeopathy : 800

In traditional and folk medicine in India, there are about 25,000 active plant-based formulation(4). There are 250,000 kinds of flowering plants that are classified as therapeutic plants in total. The World Health Organization (WHO) classified about 21,000 different types of therapeutic plants. The current annual value of the worldwide herbal market is over US $62 billion. The herbal market is anticipated to expand by 15% annually and reavh $5 trillion in global sales by 2050(5). Before the development of modern science, sustaining human health was greatly helped by the traditional usage of herbal medicine, which has been used in medical practice for thousands of years and is typically an intrinsic part of cultures around the world(4). However, the WHO states that “additional research is needed to establish the efficacy and safety” of a number of procedures and medicinal plants utilized by conventional medicinal systems(4).

Costus igneus plant

Traditional medicinal plants play important role in a significant source of contemporary physiologically active compounds(6). The family costaceae includes costus igneus. A species of herbaceous plant in the costaceae family called costus igneus is also known as “Fiery Costus” or “Spiral Flag”(6).

Origin of costus igneus plant

It is a native of South and Central America. It is also known by the synonyms costus pictus D.don, costus mexicanus liebm or costus congenitus, commonly called “insulin plant”(7). The Greater Sunda Islands in Indonesia are where the insulin plant originally originated in southeast Asia. It is a plant that originated in South Central America and is relatively new to India(8). Costus is cultivated in regions like Kashmir and the Himalayas for its root. It belongs to the family costaceae, though it was originally classified under zingiberacea.

costus igneus in Indian regions

It can be found in India and other regions for its medicinal and ornamental value(9). In Maharashtra, the costus igneus plant is known as the insulin plant. It grows in gardens as an ornamental shrub in India. Kerala has employed it as an attractive plant. Diabetes is traditionally treated with herbs by chewing plant leaves for at least a month to achieve to controlled blood glucose level(8). In traditional medicine, it’s also employed to promote long life, treat rashes, lower fever, treat asthma, treat bronchitis and get rid of intestinal worms. It is endorsed by allopathic doctors as well. Patients with diabetes are recommended to chew an insulin plant leaves for a month as part of Ayurvedic treatment. The patient has to take two leaves per day in the morning and evening for one week(10). The leaves must be thoroughly chewed before being ingested. The patient should take one leaf in the morning and one in the evening, for 30 days, this dosage should be taken daily(10).Due to its anti-diabetic qualities, this plant is growing in popularly(6).  The present study aimed at studying the phytochemical analysis of costus igneus plant and their major therapeutic activities.

Morphology of costus igneus plant

Tropical, upright, perennial plant belonging to the costaceae family is called costus-igneus. It is a tasty perennial herb that grows to a height of 2.7metres and has an upright stem(9). It has simple, alternating, whole, oblong, evergreen leaves that range in length from 4 to 8 inches and have a parallel venation system. The tree’s enormous, velvety, dark-green leaves are spirally coiled around the stems in elegant, arching bunches that emerge from underground rootstocks(7). The leaves have light purple undersides. It can grow to a maximum height of 60cm, with the tallest stems toppling and laying on the ground. On cone-like heads at the ends of branches, stunning orange blooms with a 2.5-12.5 cm diameter are produced on hot days. Stem cutting is used in the multiplication of insulin plants. Common names include Insulin plant, Stepladder, Fiery Costus, Spiral Flag and Spiral Ginger(8).

Anatomy of Rhizome:

The rhizome has a smooth, flat surface and is round. It has an epidermal layer that is fairly distinct and made up of cells with thin walls and narrow oblong shapes. Wide cortical cells that are thin-walled, compact and have a wide-spread structure make up the interior of the cortex(11). Quercetin, Diosgenin, a steroidal Sapogenin, etc. are available in rhizome(4).

Anatomy of Leaf:

The leaf is thin, isobilateral and has no variation between the upper and lower sides. It also features smooth, even surfaces. The leaf has four layers of wide, tangentially oblong, thin-walled mesophyll cells in addition to two layers of thin epidermal cells. There are rows of tangentially flat thin-walled cells in both epidermal layers. They are 10 to 20 m thick. Mesophyll cells range in thickness from 100 to 140 m. These noticeable vascular bundles are located in the lamina’s median region(11).

Anatomy of Root:

Thin roots have a thin homogenous parenchymatous cortex and a rather large superficial sequent periderm. Older thick roots have periderm that is a little wider and made up of polyhedral, randomly oriented cells with thin walls(11). Terpenoid, Alkaloids, Tannins, etc. are available in root portion(4). Costus igneus root has been employed in the siddha medical system as powder (chooranam), decoction (Kudineer) and the oil (thylam)(12). Terpenoid compound, Lupeol and Steroid compound Stigmasterol are present in the stem(4).


            Taxonomy of costus igneus.png

    Table No.01: (Taxonomy of costus igneus)(7)

Major compounds of costus igneus with their therapeutic activities


            Applications of Phenol.png

    Table No.02: (Applications of Phenol)

Cardiac glycosides                                    

            Applications of Cardiac glycosides.png

    Table No.03: (Applications of Cardiac glycosides)


            Applications of Triterpene.png

    Table No.04: (Applications of Triterpene)


            Applications of Tannin.png

    Table No.05: (Applications of Tannin)


            Applications of Carbohydrates.png

    Table No.06: (Applications of Carbohydrate)



            Applications of Alkaloids.png

    Table No.07: (Applications of Alkaloid)


            Applications of Terpenoid.png

    Table No.08: (Applications of Terpenoid)




            Applications of Protein.png

    Table No.09: (Applications of protein)

Major therapeutic activities of costus igneus

            Major therapeutic activities of costus igneus.png

    Table No.10: (Major therapeutic activities of costus igneus)

Anti-oxidant activity

Foods rich in antioxidants play an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, inflammation and other problems caused by cell and cutaneous aging. Antioxidants offer protection against oxidative stress by scavenging the free radicals, inhibiting the lipid peroxidation and by other mechanisms(28). Antioxidants are naturally occurring plant compounds that shield the body harm from dangerous chemicals known as free radicals. They do this by assisting in the prevention of oxidation, which can destroy cells and possibly speed up ageing(29).  The comparative analysis of the antioxidant activity of costus igneus’s leaf, stem and rhizome. In comparison to the stem and rhizome, the antioxidant activity in the leaf was the lowest. In comparison to leaf, which displayed 72% antioxidant activity and stem, which displayed roughly 55% antioxidant activity, rhizome displayed a maximum of 89% antioxidant activity(29). In comparison to the positive control doxorubicin, the acetone extract of costus igneus exhibited the strongest cytotoxic action on the cancer cell line (MCF-7). In biological applications, costus igneus can be used safely and effectively. It also has effective cytotoxic potential(30).

Anti-diabetic Activity

In a cross sectional clinical study, patients consuming either one fresh leaf or 1 teaspoon of shade-dried powder per day of costus igneus in conjunction with other modalities of treatment had effectively produced glycemic control in diabetics(7). Other therapeutic effects of this plant include lowering diabetic-related problems, stabilizing renal and hepatic parameters, reducing glycosylated hemoglobin levels, boosting weight and insulin levels and exhibiting appreciable improvable in diabetic patients histopathological examinations(8).

  • Tri-terpenoids: Tri-terpenoids work by primarily inhibiting the activity of alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase, which postpones the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine and lowers the level of postprandial insulin.
  • Protein: The insulin-like protein in costus igneus lowers blood sugar levels(4).

Studies carried out to evaluate anti-diabetic effect of costus igneus(7).

            Studies carried out to evaluate anti-diabetic effect of costus igneus.png

    Table No.11: (Studies carried out to evaluate anti-diabetic effect of costus igneus)

Hypoglycemic Activity

ILP (Insulin like protein) a new protein with hypoglycemic action, was purified from costus igneus(31).

In streptozotocine-induced diabetic rats, the aqueous extract of costus igneus and costus pictus exhibits strong hypoglycemic action(31). The ILP has good  therapeutic potential because it had a hypoglycemic impact that persisted for more than 1 hour after application(32). Using the insulin-responsive cell line RIN 5f in an in-vitro experiment, the ILP(Insulin like protein) demonstrated hypoglycemic action. Interesting, when given orally during an oral glucose tolerance test, ILP exhibited a considerable drop in glucose levels(32).


The current work clarify chemical compounds present in costus igneus with their medicinal properties. The costus igneus often known as the ‘insulin plant’, contains potent medicinal and therapeutic chemicals, which has other than Anti-diabetic properties. The presence of such chemicals can be used in preparing various medicinal formulations which can be majorly act as Anti-oxidant, Anti-diabetic and Hypoglycemic activity. The current work enables to clarify chemical compounds present in costus igneus with their medicinal properties can be used in research. Morphological characteristics of costus igneus were studied. The major compounds containing like Phenol, Cardiac glycosides, Triterpene, Tannin, Carbohydrate, Alkaloid, Terpenoid and Protein presence methods were studied. costus ignues containing major compounds with their pharmacological activities and major therapeutic activities of costus igneus with some available marketed products were studied.


  1. Khanday WI, Wani NA, Paulraj B. Antioxidant and cytotoxic potential of leaf extracts of Costus igneus. J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2019 Jul 1;10(2):157–66.
  2. A.S. Rani, G. Sulakshana SP. Costus speciosus, an antidiabetic plant-review. Fons Scientitia Journal Pharmers Research [Internet]. 2012;1(3):52–3. Available from:
  4. Laha S, Paul S. COSTUS IGNEUS-A THERAPEUTIC ANTI-DIABETIC HERB WITH ACTIVE PHYTOCONSTITUTENTS. Int J Pharm Sci Res [Internet]. 2019;10(8):3583. Available from:
  5. Yadav K, Kadam P, Patel J, Patil M. Strychnos potatorum: Phytochemical and pharmacological review. Pharmacogn Rev. 2014;8(15):61–6.
  6. Patil S, Ahuja M. Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Determination of Costus Igneus Leaves. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development. 2019;Volume-3(Issue-3):108–10.
  7. Hegde P, Rao H, Rao P. A review on Insulin plant (Costus igneus Nak). Pharmacogn Rev. 2014;8(15):67–72.
  8. Shinde S, Surwade S, Sharma R. COSTUS IGNUS: INSULIN PLANT AND IT’S PREPARATIONS AS REMEDIAL APPROACH FOR DIABETES MELLITUS. Article in International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research [Internet]. 2022;13(4):1551. Available from:
  9. Wagh1 HM, Sonwane N, Suryawanshi A, Mairal PB, Vivekanand S. The Review on Insulin Plant: A Plant of Ayurvedic used (Costus Igneus Plant) [Internet]. Available from:
  10. Ari S. ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER PHARMACOLOGY In Vitro AntiDiabetic Activity of Costus igneus roots KEY WORDS?: Invitro antidiabetic , Costus igneus , - amylase , -glucosidase enzymes In Vitro AntiDiabetic Activity of Costus igneus. 2020;(March):6–8.
  11. K Pazhanichamy, S Pavithra, S Rubini, B Lavanya, I Ramya TE. Morphological, anatomical and proximate analysis of leaf, root, rhizome of Costus igneus. J Pharm Res. 2010;3(4):747–52.
  12. Sulakshana G, Rani A. HPLC analysis of diosgenin in three species of Costus. IjpsrInfo [Internet]. 2014;5(11):747–9. Available from:
  13. Aini Dahalan F, Abd Gami A, Yunus Shukor M, Abdul Khalil K, Khalid A, Aqlima Ahmad S. Phenol and its toxicity [Internet]. Vol. 2, Journal of Environmental Microbiology and Toxicology. 2014. Available from:
  14. Botelho AFM, Pierezan F, Soto-Blanco B, Melo MM. A review of cardiac glycosides: Structure, toxicokinetics, clinical signs, diagnosis and antineoplastic potential. Vol. 158, Toxicon. Elsevier Ltd; 2019. p. 63–8.
  15. El-Mallakh RS, Brar KS, Yeruva RR. Cardiac glycosides in human physiology and disease: Update for entomologists. Vol. 10, Insects. MDPI AG; 2019.
  16. Rascón-Valenzuela LA, Torres-Moreno H, Velázquez-Contreras C, Garibay-Escobar A, Robles-Zepeda RE. TRITERPENOIDS: SYNTHESIS, USES IN CANCER TREATMENT AND OTHER BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES.
  17. Chudzik M, Korzonek-Szlacheta I, Król W. Triterpenes as potentially cytotoxic compounds. Vol. 20, Molecules. MDPI AG; 2015. p. 1610–25.
  18. P. Singh A, Kumar S. Applications of Tannins in Industry. Tannins - Structural Properties, Biological Properties and Current Knowledge. 2020;(September).
  19. Abdul Matin M, Taleb Hossain M, Asadujjaman M, Tabassum F, Harun Ar Rashid M. a Review Study on the Pharmacological Effects and Mechanism of Action of Tannins. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research ? [Internet]. 2015;8(August). Available from:
  20. Wang J, Zhang Y, Lu Q, Xing D, Zhang R. Exploring Carbohydrates for Therapeutics: A Review on Future Directions. Front Pharmacol. 2021;12(November):1–9.
  21. Rao NB, Gajula RG, Sujatha DrE, Kumari SO. Phytochemical analysis and anti-microbial activity of Costus igneus (insulin plant) leaf extract. Int J Biol Pharm Allied Sci. 2016;5(6):1207–14.
  22. Roy A. A review on the alkaloids an important therapeutic compound from plants Remediation of environmental contamination View project Micropropagation of Centella asiatica View project. 2017;(September). Available from:
  23. Heinrich M, Mah J, Amirkia V. Alkaloids used as medicines: Structural phytochemistry meets biodiversity—An update and forward look. Molecules. 2021;26(7):1–18.
  24. S Z, C B. Plant terpenoids: applications and future potentials. Biotechnology and molecular biology reviews [Internet]. 2008;3(February):1–7. Available from:
  25. Yang W, Chen X, Li Y, Guo S, Wang Z, Yu X. Advances in Pharmacological Activities of Terpenoids. Nat Prod Commun. 2020;15(3).
  26. Hoffman JR, Falvo MJ. Review article PROTEIN – WHICH IS BEST?? 2004;(January 2014).
  28. Chacko N, Shastry C, Shetty P. Studies on the antioxidant activity of Costus igneus leaf extract. Hygeia journal for drugs and medicines. 2018 Sep 15;10(1):9–15.
  29. Kaloori K, Margaret E. Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity in Different Parts of Costus igneus. 2022;11(4):922–5.
  30. practice guidance for local authorities B, Clutterbuck D, Asboe D, Barber T, Emerson C, Field N, et al. The sexual health and wellbeing of vulnerable groups in Scotland?: Int J Environ Res Public Health [Internet]. 2019;9(May):14–8. Available from:
  31. Isaac ST, Alphonse JKM. Comparative study of Hypoglycemic activity of Costus pictus and Costus igneus in streptozotocin induced diabetic rat . J Pharm Res [Internet]. 2011;4(10):3628–9. Available from:
  32. Joshi BN, Munot H, Hardikar M, Kulkarni AA. Orally active hypoglycemic protein from Costus igneus N. E. Br.: An in vitro and in vivo study. Biochem Biophys Res Commun [Internet]. 2013;436(2):278–82. Available from:


  1. Khanday WI, Wani NA, Paulraj B. Antioxidant and cytotoxic potential of leaf extracts of Costus igneus. J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2019 Jul 1;10(2):157–66.
  2. A.S. Rani, G. Sulakshana SP. Costus speciosus, an antidiabetic plant-review. Fons Scientitia Journal Pharmers Research [Internet]. 2012;1(3):52–3. Available from:
  4. Laha S, Paul S. COSTUS IGNEUS-A THERAPEUTIC ANTI-DIABETIC HERB WITH ACTIVE PHYTOCONSTITUTENTS. Int J Pharm Sci Res [Internet]. 2019;10(8):3583. Available from:
  5. Yadav K, Kadam P, Patel J, Patil M. Strychnos potatorum: Phytochemical and pharmacological review. Pharmacogn Rev. 2014;8(15):61–6.
  6. Patil S, Ahuja M. Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Determination of Costus Igneus Leaves. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development. 2019;Volume-3(Issue-3):108–10.
  7. Hegde P, Rao H, Rao P. A review on Insulin plant (Costus igneus Nak). Pharmacogn Rev. 2014;8(15):67–72.
  8. Shinde S, Surwade S, Sharma R. COSTUS IGNUS: INSULIN PLANT AND IT’S PREPARATIONS AS REMEDIAL APPROACH FOR DIABETES MELLITUS. Article in International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research [Internet]. 2022;13(4):1551. Available from:
  9. Wagh1 HM, Sonwane N, Suryawanshi A, Mairal PB, Vivekanand S. The Review on Insulin Plant: A Plant of Ayurvedic used (Costus Igneus Plant) [Internet]. Available from:
  10. Ari S. ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER PHARMACOLOGY In Vitro AntiDiabetic Activity of Costus igneus roots KEY WORDS?: Invitro antidiabetic , Costus igneus , - amylase , -glucosidase enzymes In Vitro AntiDiabetic Activity of Costus igneus. 2020;(March):6–8.
  11. K Pazhanichamy, S Pavithra, S Rubini, B Lavanya, I Ramya TE. Morphological, anatomical and proximate analysis of leaf, root, rhizome of Costus igneus. J Pharm Res. 2010;3(4):747–52.
  12. Sulakshana G, Rani A. HPLC analysis of diosgenin in three species of Costus. IjpsrInfo [Internet]. 2014;5(11):747–9. Available from:
  13. Aini Dahalan F, Abd Gami A, Yunus Shukor M, Abdul Khalil K, Khalid A, Aqlima Ahmad S. Phenol and its toxicity [Internet]. Vol. 2, Journal of Environmental Microbiology and Toxicology. 2014. Available from:
  14. Botelho AFM, Pierezan F, Soto-Blanco B, Melo MM. A review of cardiac glycosides: Structure, toxicokinetics, clinical signs, diagnosis and antineoplastic potential. Vol. 158, Toxicon. Elsevier Ltd; 2019. p. 63–8.
  15. El-Mallakh RS, Brar KS, Yeruva RR. Cardiac glycosides in human physiology and disease: Update for entomologists. Vol. 10, Insects. MDPI AG; 2019.
  16. Rascón-Valenzuela LA, Torres-Moreno H, Velázquez-Contreras C, Garibay-Escobar A, Robles-Zepeda RE. TRITERPENOIDS: SYNTHESIS, USES IN CANCER TREATMENT AND OTHER BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES.
  17. Chudzik M, Korzonek-Szlacheta I, Król W. Triterpenes as potentially cytotoxic compounds. Vol. 20, Molecules. MDPI AG; 2015. p. 1610–25.
  18. P. Singh A, Kumar S. Applications of Tannins in Industry. Tannins - Structural Properties, Biological Properties and Current Knowledge. 2020;(September).
  19. Abdul Matin M, Taleb Hossain M, Asadujjaman M, Tabassum F, Harun Ar Rashid M. a Review Study on the Pharmacological Effects and Mechanism of Action of Tannins. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research ? [Internet]. 2015;8(August). Available from:
  20. Wang J, Zhang Y, Lu Q, Xing D, Zhang R. Exploring Carbohydrates for Therapeutics: A Review on Future Directions. Front Pharmacol. 2021;12(November):1–9.
  21. Rao NB, Gajula RG, Sujatha DrE, Kumari SO. Phytochemical analysis and anti-microbial activity of Costus igneus (insulin plant) leaf extract. Int J Biol Pharm Allied Sci. 2016;5(6):1207–14.
  22. Roy A. A review on the alkaloids an important therapeutic compound from plants Remediation of environmental contamination View project Micropropagation of Centella asiatica View project. 2017;(September). Available from:
  23. Heinrich M, Mah J, Amirkia V. Alkaloids used as medicines: Structural phytochemistry meets biodiversity—An update and forward look. Molecules. 2021;26(7):1–18.
  24. S Z, C B. Plant terpenoids: applications and future potentials. Biotechnology and molecular biology reviews [Internet]. 2008;3(February):1–7. Available from:
  25. Yang W, Chen X, Li Y, Guo S, Wang Z, Yu X. Advances in Pharmacological Activities of Terpenoids. Nat Prod Commun. 2020;15(3).
  26. Hoffman JR, Falvo MJ. Review article PROTEIN – WHICH IS BEST?? 2004;(January 2014).
  28. Chacko N, Shastry C, Shetty P. Studies on the antioxidant activity of Costus igneus leaf extract. Hygeia journal for drugs and medicines. 2018 Sep 15;10(1):9–15.
  29. Kaloori K, Margaret E. Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity in Different Parts of Costus igneus. 2022;11(4):922–5.
  30. practice guidance for local authorities B, Clutterbuck D, Asboe D, Barber T, Emerson C, Field N, et al. The sexual health and wellbeing of vulnerable groups in Scotland?: Int J Environ Res Public Health [Internet]. 2019;9(May):14–8. Available from:
  31. Isaac ST, Alphonse JKM. Comparative study of Hypoglycemic activity of Costus pictus and Costus igneus in streptozotocin induced diabetic rat . J Pharm Res [Internet]. 2011;4(10):3628–9. Available from:
  32. Joshi BN, Munot H, Hardikar M, Kulkarni AA. Orally active hypoglycemic protein from Costus igneus N. E. Br.: An in vitro and in vivo study. Biochem Biophys Res Commun [Internet]. 2013;436(2):278–82. Available from:

Harshada Yuvraj Bhoye
Corresponding author

Student, Department of Pharmaceutics, SMBT College of B. Pharmacy, Nashik, India.

Maya Yashwant Gaikwad

Asst. Prof., Department of Pharmaceutics, SMBT College of B. Pharmacy, Nashik, India.

Harshada Yuvraj Bhoye, Maya Yashwant Gaikwad, Costus igneus Plant: With Their Therapeutical Values Other Than Anti-Diabetic Effect, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 4, 553-562.

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