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  • Community Perspectives Assessing And Addressing Covid 19 Vaccine Myths In Dakshina Kannada

  • 1Department of Pharmacy Practice, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Manglore-574143.
    2Department of Pharmacy Practice, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Manglore-574143.
    3Department of Pharmaceutics, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Manglore-574143


The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged health systems globally, prompting an urgent need for effective vaccination strategies. In this study conducted in Mangalore, India, from January 30 to September 11, 2022, we aimed to assess the acceptance and challenges of COVID-19 vaccination among the general population and healthcare providers (HCP) in Dakshina Kannada. The study employed a prospective observational design with 1000 participants each from the general population and HCP. Ethical clearance was obtained, and data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire covering socio-demographic information, factors influencing vaccine perception, and opinions of HCP regarding vaccination challenges and management. Data analysis included descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test. Results revealed diverse socio-demographic characteristics among participants, with urban and rural representation. Healthcare providers, predominantly pharmacists and nurses, played a vital role in vaccination discussions. The study identified prevalent myths influencing vaccine acceptance, including concerns about religious objections, infertility, menstrual cycle alterations, and immune system weakening. These myths significantly affected vaccination decisions, with notable differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated respondents .Discussion highlights the impact of myths on vaccination hesitancy, considering factors such as religiosity, menstruation, and immunity beliefs. The study emphasizes the importance of dispelling myths and addressing vaccine hesitancy through accurate information dissemination. It also explores the influence of social media on vaccination decisions and the role of healthcare providers in providing reliable information .Conclusion underscores the need for prompt action by authorities to refute myths, as they contribute to social stigma and impact public perception, potentially increasing the risk of virus transmission.The study recommends careful evaluation of information amidst the evolving COVID-19 situation. Acknowledgments express gratitude to the participants and the institution for their contributions to the study's completion


COVID-19, Myths, HCP, Vaccines


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Aravind babu c
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Valachil, Farangipete Post, Manglore-574143, Karnataka, India

Satish S.

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Valachil, Farangipete Post, Manglore-574143, Karnataka, India

Ramakrishna Shabaraya A.

Department of Pharmaceutics, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Manglore-574143

Satish S., Aravind Babu C.*, Ramakrishna Shabaraya A., Community Perspectives: Assessing And Addressing Covid- 19 Vaccine Myths, In Dakshina Kannada Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 12, 242-252.

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