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  • Coconut Oil As A Remedial Treatment For Alzheimer’s Disorder

  • Department of Pharmacology Rajgad Dnyanpeeth College of Pharmacy, Bhor, Pune


The coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) which is also known as the “Tree of Life” has its own values in each part of the tree and coconut oil painting is more prestigious among them. The unique chemical composition of coconut oil painting amended with medium chain adipose acids (MCFAs) has led to the disquisition of these nutritive and remedial influences. Unlike the long-chain adipose acids (LCFAs), the MCFAs generated from the digestion of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) have a specific pathway for the metabolism, as they bypass the lymphatic system and enter the liver directly through the portal tone. Due to similar distinct attributes in immersion and metabolism, MCTs are more readily able to form ketone bodies than other triglycerides. These ketone bodies are a competent energy source for the smarts, especially those having cognitive impairments like Alzheimer’s complaints (announcement). announcement is a neurodegenerative complaint characterized clinically by accelerating faults in memory and behavioral changes. circumstance of Cardiovascular conditions (CVD) with elevated LDL situations, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, rotundity, and insulin resistance are some crucial threat factors that are responsible for the added frequency and prevalence of announcements. There's sufficient substantiation to prove that MCTs in coconut oil painting are metabolized and absorbed in such a way that retards the inflexibility of these physiological threat factors. either, coconut oil painting is endowed with numerous polyphenolic composites that serve as antioxidants by combating oxidative stress and inflammation, which in turn downregulates the etiology of the announcement. But depending on the different processing conditions applied in the birth ways of coconut oil painting, variations in antioxidant capacity can take place.(1)


Alzheimer; coconut oil; Beta-amyloid peptide; ketone body


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Garad P. Swapnil
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmacology Rajgad Dnyanpeeth College of Pharmacy, Bhor, Pune

Garad P. Swapnil, Coconut Oil As A Remedial Treatment For Alzheimer’s Disorder, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 2, 29-40.

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