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Antibiotics are essential in humans ‘lives and in animals ’lives. Antibiotic molecules generated by diverse microorganisms have existed for a long time before humans recognized their utility in preventing and treating bacterial diseases. The different types of antibiotics are developed for most of the infections caused by bacteria, fungi, and some microorganisms. Pharmaceutical companies started mass-producing antibiotics in the 20th century; they were mostly synthetic chemicals, but there were also some fully synthetic antibiotic molecules. The development is increased excessively. Due to bacterial resistance strains and isolates, the new drugs for multidrug resistance were improved. Based on antibiotics chemical structures and spectrum of activity the antibiotics were discovered. The different antibiotic shows different mechanism of actions. These antibiotic drugs having side effects or adverse effects, and these can be determined in several pharmacological and clinical studies. To overcome the side effects, the antibiotics are used along with combinations of other drug. The present study in about the classification of different antibiotics and their adverse effects and uses.


Antibiotic, anti-bacterial agents, resistance, adverse effects, contraindications.


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A. L.T. Kalyani
Corresponding author

Department of Biotechnology, NRI College of pharmacy, pothavarappadu,agiripalli-521212

M.S.V. maha Lakshmi

NRI College of pharmacy, pothavarappadu,agiripalli-521212


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A. L.T. Kalyani, M. S. V. Maha Lakshmi, N. Ahalya, P. Anusha, S. D. Seema, T. Maneesha, Classification Of Different Antibiotics And Their Adverse Effects And Uses From Origin To Present, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 2, 98-121.

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