1*Associate professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, Shree Venkateshwara college of paramedical sciences, Gobi-Tamilnadu-638455.
1Principal, Head of the Department of pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, Shree Venkateshwara college of paramedical sciences, Gobi-Tamilnadu-638455.
2,3,4,5B. Pharm final year students, College of Pharmacy, Shree Venkateshwara college of paramedical sciences, Gobi-Tamilnadu-638455
Dandruff remains a widespread concern in today's world, with a plethora of treatments available in the market, albeit many providing only temporary relief. Its severity can range from mild flaking and dry skin to more pronounced scaling. While Malassezia is often pinpointed as the primary cause of dandruff, environmental factors like fluctuations in humidity, seasonal changes, or emotional stress can also contribute to its onset. An innovative approach has led to the development of an all-natural anti-dandruff hair oil containing lemon grass and Vitis vinifera commonly known as grape seed. Vitis vinifera along with the aromatic qualities of Lemon grass offers a promising approach to dandruff treatment proving more efficacious than many other commercially available hair oils. A comprehensive evaluation of this herbal formulation across various dimensions has reaffirmed its effectiveness, positioning it as a promising alternative with no associated side effects.
Mounika K.*, Dr. K. B. Ilango, Deepajothi K., Madhan kumar S., Mohammed Aakief R., Praveen P., Assessing The Antifungal Efficacy Of Grapigrass Hair Oil For Dandruff Control By Using Coconut Oil Infuse With Grape Seed, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 11, 112-117. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10070907