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Antibiotics are drugs used to prevent and treat infectious diseases in humans, animals, and plants. The problem of antibiotic resistance is linked to the overuse and abuse of these drugs and the inability of the pharmaceutical industry to create new drugs due to difficult regulatory requirements and diminished financial incentives. Many of these bacteria currently impose a significant clinical and financial burden on patients, families, and the U.S. healthcare system. The rapid emergence of resistant bacteria throughout the world jeopardizes the effectiveness of antibiotics that have transformed medicine and saved millions of lives. The molecular mechanisms of resistance to the evolution of bacteria genetics and biochemistry prove that it is difficult to maintain effective antibiotic activity, particularly due to the resistance shown to such problems.


Antibiotic resistance, Antibiotic, DNA.


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Rushikesh S. Wable
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmacology, Delonix Society’s Baramati College of Pharmacy, Barhanpur, Baramati Pune Maharashtra, India.

Vasant K. Jamble

Department of Pharmacology, Delonix Society’s Baramati College of Pharmacy, Barhanpur, Baramati Pune Maharashtra, India.

Akanksha V. More

Department of Pharmacology, Delonix Society’s Baramati College of Pharmacy, Barhanpur, Baramati Pune Maharashtra, India.

: Rushikesh S. Wable, Vasant K. Jamble, Akanksha V. More, Antibiotic Resistance: Global Threat To Public Health, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 2, 1-9.

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