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  • A Brief Review on Naegleria Fowleri-Brain Eating Amoeba

  • Dr. Naikwadi College of Pharmacy, Jamgaon Sinnar Dist-Nashik(MH) India.


N. Fowleri causes destruction of neurons and explains why this is also known as the “brain?eating amoeba”. Naegleria fowleri is a free? living, thermophilic, pathogenic flagellate amoeba belonging to the Heterolobosea class. feeds predominantly on bacteria on living in natural bodies of warm freshwater, from where it has been frequently detected. Being a free-living protist, N. fowleri feeds mainly on bacteria, both Gram-positive and Gram-negative. PAM occurs significantly in immunologically strong individuals as well as in healthy children and young adults, having recent exposure to recreational freshwater. the entry of N. fowleri through nasal cavity when water is forced or splashed into the nose. PAM is characterized bysimilar signs and symptoms to those of viral or bacterial meningitis including fever, headache, stiff neck, vomiting, anorexia, seizures, ultimately death. symptoms that may vary from 2 to 3 days to up to as long as 7–15 days. This review will discuss the pathogenesis , Mode of transmission , life cycle , risk factor , diagnos treatment of N. fowleri infections in human.


N .Fowleri ,. Primary amebic meningoencephalitis, Olfactory Nerve, CNS


Naegleria fowleri is a free?living, thermophilic, pathogenic flog one-celled critter having a place with the Heterolobosea class. In hotter months of the year, N. fowleri multiplies as it can endure temperatures up to 45°C and takes care of transcendently on microscopic organisms on residing in normal collections of warm freshwater, from where it has been regularly detected.[1,2] N. fowleri is otherwise called amphibolic one-celled critter and there are three morphological phases of Naegleria species life cycle have been recognized: trophozoite (10-25 mm), pear?shaped transitory lash stage (10-16 mm) and blister stage (8-20 mm).[3,4] .Being a free-living protist, N. fowleri takes care of fundamentally on microscopic organisms, both Gram-positive and Gram-negative, as well as on green growth, and yeast. The reaction shown by N. fowleri to microorganisms is through the arrangement of food cups, chemotaxis and chemokines.[5,6] N. fowleri is the main species that causes a deadly cerebrum disease called essential amoebic meningoencephalitis (P AM), while more than 40 types of Naegleria have been recognized. However PAM is uncommon, it is a deadly human illness with a death pace of 95%-97%.[7,8] The passing happens inside roughly seven days, as it is a deadly, necrotizing, fulminant, and haemorrhagic meningoencephalitis.[9] PAM happens essentially in immunologically resilient people as well as in solid kids and youthful grown-ups, having ongoing openness to sporting freshwater.[10] PAM is a waterborne sickness, so most cases are related with plunging and swimming exercises in less chlorinated pools, dirtied trenches and spas or during relaxation sports, for example, waterskiing in defiled natural water sources, and the utilization of neti pots for nasalpurifying ablution.(11)

            Brain Eating Amoeba.png

Brain Eating Amoeba

            Microscopic view of Naegleria fowleri.png

  Microscopic view of Naegleria fowleri

This intense contamination is created by the section of N. fowleri through nasalcavity when water is constrained or sprinkled into the nose. N. fowleri causes obliteration of neurons and makes sense of why this is otherwise called the "brain?eating single adaptable cell"; this term shows that the proteins and poisons of this parasite are regularly associated with the annihilation (eating? up) of the brain.[12,13] PAM is described by comparative signs and side effectsto those of viral or bacterial meningitis including fever, migraine, firm neck, heaving, anorexia, seizures, at last passing commonly happens inside 3-7 days after the presence of these signs and symptoms.[14] The harmfulness of the strain and the size of the inoculums are engaged with deciding the time frame between starting contact with the pathogenic N. fowleri and the presence of clinical signs and side effects that might differ from 2 to 3 days to up to up to 7-15 days.[15]


N. fowleri has been remembered to taint the human body by entering the host through the nose when water is sprinkled or constrained into the nasal depression. Infectivity happens first through connection to the nasal mucosa, trailed by headway along the olfactory nerve and through the cribriform plate (which is more permeable in kids and youthful grown-ups) to arrive at the olfactory bulbs inside the CNS.[16] Once N. fowleri arrives at the olfactory bulbs, it gets a critical invulnerable reaction through initiation of the intrinsic resistant framework, including macrophages and neutrophils.[17] N. fowleri enters the human body in the trophozoite structure. Structures on the outer layer of trophozoites known as food cups empower the creature to ingest microscopic organisms, growths, and human tissue.[18] notwithstanding tissueannihilation by the food cup, the pathogenicity of N. fowleri is subject to the arrival of cytolytic particles, including corrosive hydrolases, phospholipases, neuraminidases, and phospholipolytic catalysts that assume apart in have celland nerve destruction.[19]

            Diagrammatic Representation of N. Fowleri Pathophysiology.png

 Diagrammatic Representation of N. Fowleri Pathophysiology

The mix of the pathogenicity of N. (20) fowleri and the serious resistant reaction coming about because of its presence brings about critical nerve harm and ensuing CNS tissue harm, which frequently bring about death. From defiled water, N. fowleri entered the nose. (21) N. fowleri trophozoites move up to enter the mind, (22) Various amoebae are seen blended with the deteriorating neurones, glial cycles, and neutrophil polymorphs with significant fixations in the perivascular locales and in the lumina of veins (23). At the point when N. fowleri are hatched with have cells in vitro, have cells show cell shrinkage, cell harm, attack and annihilation by means of phagocyticcycles (24)

Mode Of Transmission :-

Naegleria fowleri taints individuals while water containing the single adaptable cell

enters the body through the nose. This commonly happens when individuals swim or

making a plunge warm freshwater places, similar tolakes and waterways. The Naegleria

fowleri one-celled critter then, at that point, makes a trip up the nose to the cerebrum where

it obliterates the mind tissue. (25)

This disease happens right off the bat by connection of one-celled critter to the nasal

mucosa, which then, at that point, moves along the olfactory nerve and reaches the

olfactory bulbs through the cribriform plate inside the CNS.(26) Besides, there is plausible

that the gamble of PAM is higher among those kids and youthful grown- ups that have more

permeable cribriform plates.(27) Exploration has uncovered that disease can't be startedby

drinking debased water.(28)

Growth and life cycle : -

Naegleri feed on yeast, green growth and both Gram-negative and Gram-positive microbes (29). Food selectivity is seen with discoveries that filamentous cyanobacteria (e.g., Anabaena, Cylindrospermum, Gloeotrichia, and Phormidium) are eaten, while tight strings (Oscilltoria) and totals (Aphanizomenon) are not ingested Unicellular Chroococcaceae (e.g., Synechococcus, Aphanocapsa, and Microcystis) are discharged later ingestion, showing that food choice happens inside food vacuoles. Ingestion relies upon the satiation status of the amoebae, as starved amoebae feed at higher rates contrasted and satisfied amoebae (29) Live microorganisms support ideal development contrasted and heat-killed microscopic organisms. Under these circumstances, the ameobae feed upon the microscopic organisms, and as development enters fixed stage and the food supply is spent, N. fowleri start to encyst. Growths, whenever held back from drying out, will stay feasible for a really long time, potentially years. (30) Throughout the phases of mitosis, the nucleolus is available. All through metaphase, various profoundly stained DNA buildups following a prolonged example are seen, adjusting without a doubt to firmly gathered chromosomes. The core partitions by cryptomitosis, a cycle wherein the atomic layer doesn't vanish during mitosis, as exhibited by ultrastructural perceptions. Centrioles arenot found, and a shaft of microtubules is seen running the length of the core from one post to another however, they don't come to a point of convergence (31).

            Life cycle of Naegleriafowleri.png

Life cycle of Naegleriafowleri

Risk Factors Of Naegleria Fowleri: -

Concentrates on that have been done were zeroing in on the trophozoites or pimples ID of N. (32) fowleri that can be tracked down in the most differed conditions (33). Table I shows a rundown of likely environments for the colonization of free-living one-celled critter (FLA). From all destinations expressed, any water sources or conditions with high water temperatures above 28?C are accounted for to be good for N. fowleri to develop and multiply to an extraordinary number. (34) Concerning compound boundaries, the water sources as a rule contain high convergences of iron and magnesium and different synthetic substances that are feasible to be estimated, including smelling salts, chlorine, nitrite, nitrate, and fluoride (35). Already, the presence of bountiful natural matter in destinations is good for N. fowleri development (36). The Naegleria pimples are liked to fill in watery or wet regions due to their powerlessness to warm pressure. The past report demonstrated the way that the Naegleria species could be found not in pool water tests but rather likewise in dust tests taken from the pool wall. Nonetheless, it is not really found in the examples acquired from dry regions like the pool stage. (37) The presence and commonness of the one-celled critter were emphatically impacted by its natural plan, which recommendedthat pools with soil nooks have a high FLA occurrence contrasted with those produced using a substantial and tiled encompassing pool wall or line that diminishes soil pollution to the water .(38)

Diagnosis: -

After N. fowleri figures out how to enter the host from openness or direct contact to

 the defiled source with the microorganism, the brooding time frame happens from  inside 3 to

7 days before the clinical beginning of side effects. (39) Analysis of the PAM can be transfer

 on different strategies including attractive reverberation (MR) and electronic tomography (CT) which uncover necrotic regions, aneurysms, and stenosis . The polymerase chain response was as of late utilized for early determination of the sickness alongside immunofluorescenceexamine (IF), stream cytometry, and compound connected immunosorbent measure (ELISA) (40) Naegleria fowleri can be tracked down in cerebrospinal liquid with numerous polymorph atomic leukocytes. ). Nelson’s development medium with fetal calf serum can be utilized to culture Naegleria fowleri (41) CSF stained with Giemsa-Wright stain to show the trophozoites while Gram-stain has no advantage uncovering the parasite (42). Clinical side effects additionally can be handed-off to analyze the contamination which included chill, fever, serious migraine, seizures, photophobia, cardiovascular anomalies, myocardial rot, and comma (43).

Treatment: -

Since the disease with Naegleria fowleri described by a high death rate and all data recorded are came from detailed cases so there isn't a lot of data in regards to treatment choices and should be refreshed through additional examinations and clinical preliminaries (44). As indicated by the examinations, Amphotericin B(AmB) is an enemy of contagious used to kill the parasite by instigating the apoptosis interaction (45). In any case, the greatest hindrance to treatment, is that most medications should be managed in high fixation to pass the blood- cerebrum boundary (BBB) and arrive at the base inhibitory focus (MIC) to kill the single adaptable cell. (46)    PAM is a disease that happens when trophozoite, an infective phase of N. fowleri ready to attack the cerebrum which is related with warm water- related exercises. The pharmacodynamics of PAM found in the CNS is upset by the way that it requires a more drawn out investment for fundamental organization to enter and enter the objective organ.  PAM is a disease that happens when trophozoite, an infective phase of N. fowleri ready to attack the cerebrum which is related with warm water- related exercises. The pharmacodynamics of PAM found in the CNS is upset by the way that it requires a more drawn out investment for fundamental organization to enter and enter the objective organ. Likewise, the introduction of the blood-cerebrum boundary makes it hard for the regulated medication to really kill the parasite because of high selectivity making low medication entrance the objective tainted site in the CNS . (47) PAM is more vulnerable to solid people who are immunocompetent. PAM is a prompt reason for illness wherein passing might happen inside the space of days after side effects beginning.(48) Miltefosine is an enemy of malignant growth drug made to treat bosom disease and an antileishmanial drug that additionally gives promising in vitro treatment against N. fowleri and luckily, miltefosine has been Provided extraordinarily and generally by CDC as treatment of fulminant Naegleria contaminations (49).


  1. Yoder JS, Straif-Bourgeois S, Roy SL, et al. Primary amebic meningoencephalitisdeaths associated with sinus irrigation using contaminated tap water. Clinical Infectious Diseases., 2012; 55: 79-85.
  2. Visvesvara GS, Moura H, Schuster FL. Pathogenic and opportunistic free-living amoebae: Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia mandrillaris, Naegleria fowleri, and Sappinia diploidea. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 2007; 50: 1- 26.
  3. Matin A. Primary amebic meningoencephalitis; a new emerging public health threat by Naeg-leria fowleri in Pakistan. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Drug Design, 2017; 1: 1-3.
  4. Trabelsi H, Dendana F, Sellami A, et al. Pathogenic free-living amoebae: epidemiology and clinical review. Pathologie Biologie., 2012; 60: 399-405
  5. Siddiqui R, Ali I, Cope JR, Khan NA. Biology and pathogenesis of Naegleria fowleri.Acta Tropica, 2016; 164: 375-394
  6. De Jonckheere JF. Origin and evolution of the worldwide distributed pathogenic amoeboflagellate Naegleria fowleri. Infection Genetics and Evolution, 2011; 11: 1520-1528.
  7. Baig AM, Khan NA. Novel chemotherapeutic strategies in the management of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis due to Naegleria fowleri. CNS Neuroscience and Therapetics., 2014; 20: 289-290.
  8. Mahmood K Naegleria fowleri in Pakistan-an emerging catastrophe. Journal of College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, 2015; 25: 159-160.
  9. Heggie TW. Swimming with death: Naegleria fowleri infections in recreational waters.journal of Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease., 2010; 8: 201-206
  10. Gupta R, Parashar M, Kale A. Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. Journal ofAssociation of Physicians of India, 2015; 63: 69-71
  11. Matin A. Primary amebic meningoencephalitis; a new emerging public health threat by Naeg-leria fowleri in Pakistan. Journal of Pharmaseutical Research Drug Design., 2017; 1: 1-3
  12. Grace E, Asbill S, Virga K Naegleria fowleri: a review of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment options. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2015; 59(11): 6677-6681.
  13. Baig AM. Pathogenesis of amoebic encephalitis: are the amoebae being credited to an „inside job?done by the host immune response? Acta Tropica, 2015; 148: 72-76. Yoder J, Eddy B, Visvesvara G, Capewell L, Beach M. The epidemiology of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis in the USA, 1962–2008. Journal          of Epidermology and Infection, 2010; 138: 968- 975.
  14. Shariq A, Afridi FI, Farooqi BJ, Ahmed S, Hussain A. Fatal primary meningoencephalitis caused by Naegleria fowleri. Journal of College of Physiciansand Surgeons Pakistan., 2014; 24: 523-525.
  15. Jarolim KL, McCosh JK, Howard MJ, John DT. A light microscopy study of themigration of Naegleria fowleri from the nasal submucosa to the central nervous system during the early stage of primary amebic meningoencephalitis in mice. Journal of Parasitology, 2000; 86: 50–55.
  16. John DT, Cole TB Jr, Bruner RA. 1985. Amebostomes of Naegleria fowleri. Journal of Protozoology, 1985; 32: 12–19
  17. Marciano-Cabral F, Cabral GA. The immune response to Naegleria fowleri amebae and pathogenesis of infection. Journal of FEMS Immunology of Medical Microbiology, 2007;51: 243–259.
  18. De Jonckheere JF. Origin and evolution of the worldwide distributed pathogenic amoeboflagellate Naegleria fowleri. Journal of Infection Genetic and Evolution, 2011; 11: 1520-1528
  19. Yoder JS, Straif-Bourgeois S, Roy SL, Andreas j. Linscott. Primary amebic meningoencephalitisdeaths associated with sinus irrigation using contaminated tap water.journal of Clinical Infectious Disease., 2012; 55: 79-85.
  20. Visvesvara GS, Moura H, Schuster FL. Pathogenic and opportunistic free-living amoebae: Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia mandrillaris, Naegleria fowleri, and Sappinia diploidea Journal of FEMS Immunology of Medical Microbiology, 2007; 50: 1-26.
  21. Matin A. Primary amebic meningoencephalitis; a new emerging public health threat by Naeg-leria fowleri in Pakistan. Journal of Pharmaseutical Research Drug Design, 2017; 1: 1-3.
  22. Schuster FL, Dunnebacke TH. Ultrastructural observations of experimental Naegleria meningoencephalitis in mice: intranuclear inclusions inamebae and host cells Journal of Protozoology 1977; 24:489-497.
  23. Visvesvara GS, Callaway CS.. Light and electron microsopic observationson the pathogenesis of Naegleria fowleri in mouse brain and tissue culture. Journal of Protozoology 1974 ; 21:239-250.
  24. Cope JR, Murphy J, Kahler A, Gorbett DG, Ali I, Taylor B, Corbitt L, Roy S, Lee N, Roellig D, Brewer S, Hill VR, Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis Associated With Rafting on an Artificial Whitewater River: Case Report and Environmental Investigation. Clinical infectious diseases: an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 2018 ; 66: 548-553 .
  25. Heggie TW. Swimming with death: Naegleria fowleri infections in recreational waters. Journal of Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease. 2010;8:201-206.
  26. Heggie TW, Küpper T. Surviving Naegleria fowleri infections: a successful case report and novel therapeutic approach. . Journal of Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease. 2017;16:49-51
  27. Shakeel S, Iffat W, Khan M. Pharmacy students’ knowledge assessment of Naegleria fowleri infection.        Hindawi publishing corporation scientifica 2016;2:16-22.
  28. Anderson K, Jamieson A. 1974. Bacterial suspensions for the growth of Naegleria species. Pathology 1974; 6:79-84.
  29. Xinyao L, Miao S, Yonghong L, Yin G, Zhongkai Z, Donghui W, Weizhong W, Chencai A. 2006. Feeding characteristics of an amoeba (Lobosea: Naegleria) grazing upon cyanobacteria: food selection, ingestion and digestion progress. Journal of Microbial Ecology 2006 ; 51:315-325.
  30. Corff S, Yuyama S. 1976. Cessation of nuclear DNA synthesis in differentiating Naegleria. Journal of Protozoology 1976 ; 23:587-593.
  31. González-Robles A, Cristóbal-Ramos AR, González-Lázaro M, Omaña-Molina M, Martínez-Palomo A. 2009. Naegleria fowleri: light and electron microscopy study of mitosis. Experimental Parasitology 2009 ; 122:212-217.
  32. González-Robles A, Cristóbal-Ramos AR, González-Lázaro M, Omaña-Molina M, Martínez-Palomo A. 2009. Naegleria fowleri: light and electron microscopy study of mitosis. Experimental Parasitology 2009 ; 122:212-217.
  33. Kao PM, Tung MC, Hsu BM, Hsueh CJ, Chiu YC, Chen NH, et al. Occurrence and Distribution . Journal of applied microbiology 2013 ; 50: 1-60.
  34. Heggie TW & Küpper T. Surviving Naegleria fowleri Infections: A Successful Case Report and Novel Therapeutic Approach. Journal of Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease .2017;16 : 49–51.
  35. Bellini NK, Santos TM, da Silva MTA, Thiemann OH. The Therapeutic Strategies Against Naegleria fowleri. Jounal of Experimental Parasitology . 2018;187:1–11.
  36. Majid MAA, Mahboob T, Mong BGJ, Jaturas N, Richard RL, Tian-Chye T, et al. Pathogenic Waterborne Free-Living Amoebae: An Update from Selected Southeast Asian Countries. Journal of PLOS One. 2017;12(2):1–17.
  37. Farra A, Bekondi C, Tricou V, Mbecko JR, Talarmin A. Free-Living Amoebae Isolated in The Central African Republic: Epidemiological and Molecular Aspects.The Pan African Medical Journal. 2017;26:1–10.
  38. Ithoi I, Lau YL, Fadzlun AA, Foead AI, Neilson RS, Nissapatorn V. Detection of Free Living Amoebae, Acanthamoeba and Naegleria, in Swimming Pools, Malaysia. Tropical Biomedicines. 2010;27(3):566–577.
  39. Latiff NSA, Jali A, Azmi NA, Ithoi I, Sulaiman WYW, Yusuf N. The Occurence of Acanthamoeba and Naegleria from Recreational Water of Selected Hot Springs in Selangor, Malaysia.International Journal of Tropical Medicine. 2018;13(3):21– 24.
  40. Shakeel S, Iffat W, Khan M. Pharmacy Students’ Knowledge Assessment of Naegleria fowleri Infection. Journal of Hindawi publishing corporation Scientifica (Cairo). 2016;2016:5–10.
  41. Bellini NK, Santos TM, da Silva MTA, Thiemann OH. The therapeutic strategies against Naegleria fowleri. Journal of Experimental Parasitology. 2018;187:1-11
  42. Siddiqui R, Ali IKM, Cope JR, Khan NA. Biology and pathogenesis of Naegleria fowleri. Journal of Acta Tropica. 2016;164:375-94
  43. Visvesvara GS. Infections with free-living amebae. Journal of Handbook of Clinical Neurology.2013;114:153-68.
  44. Grace E, Asbill S, Virga K. Naegleria fowleri: pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment options. Journsl of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 2015;59(11):6677-81.
  45. Pugh JJ, Levy RA. Naegleria fowleri: Diagnosis, Pathophysiology of Brain Inflammation, and Antimicrobial Treatments. Journal of ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 2016;7(9):1178-9.
  46. Cárdenas-Zúñiga R, Silva-Olivares A, Villalba-Magdaleno JA, Sánchez-Monroy V, Serrano-Luna J, Shibayama M. Amphotericin B induces apoptosis-like programmed cell death in Naegleria fowleri and Naegleria gruberi. Journal of Microbiology. 2017;163(7):940-9.
  47. Rajendran K, Anwar A, Khan NA, Siddiqui R. Brain-Eating Amoebae: Silver Nanoparticle Conjugation Enhanced Efficacy of Anti-Amoebic Drugs against Naegleria fowleri. Journal of ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 2017;8(12):2626- 30.
  48. Tiewcharoen S, Rabablert J, Atithep T, Katzenmeier G, Chetanachan P, Junnu V. Ultra Structure Changes of Diosgenin-Treated Human Monocyte U937-Derived Macrophages Induced by Naegleria fowleri Lysate. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2017;48(5):945–954.
  49. Cope JR, Conrad DA, Cohen N, Cotilla M, DaSilva A, Jackson J, et al. Use of The Novel Therapeutic Agent Miltefosine for The Treatment of Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis: Report of One Fatal and One Surviving Case. Journal of Clinical Infectious Disease. 2016;62(6):774-776


  1. Yoder JS, Straif-Bourgeois S, Roy SL, et al. Primary amebic meningoencephalitisdeaths associated with sinus irrigation using contaminated tap water. Clinical Infectious Diseases., 2012; 55: 79-85.
  2. Visvesvara GS, Moura H, Schuster FL. Pathogenic and opportunistic free-living amoebae: Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia mandrillaris, Naegleria fowleri, and Sappinia diploidea. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 2007; 50: 1- 26.
  3. Matin A. Primary amebic meningoencephalitis; a new emerging public health threat by Naeg-leria fowleri in Pakistan. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Drug Design, 2017; 1: 1-3.
  4. Trabelsi H, Dendana F, Sellami A, et al. Pathogenic free-living amoebae: epidemiology and clinical review. Pathologie Biologie., 2012; 60: 399-405
  5. Siddiqui R, Ali I, Cope JR, Khan NA. Biology and pathogenesis of Naegleria fowleri.Acta Tropica, 2016; 164: 375-394
  6. De Jonckheere JF. Origin and evolution of the worldwide distributed pathogenic amoeboflagellate Naegleria fowleri. Infection Genetics and Evolution, 2011; 11: 1520-1528.
  7. Baig AM, Khan NA. Novel chemotherapeutic strategies in the management of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis due to Naegleria fowleri. CNS Neuroscience and Therapetics., 2014; 20: 289-290.
  8. Mahmood K Naegleria fowleri in Pakistan-an emerging catastrophe. Journal of College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, 2015; 25: 159-160.
  9. Heggie TW. Swimming with death: Naegleria fowleri infections in recreational waters.journal of Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease., 2010; 8: 201-206
  10. Gupta R, Parashar M, Kale A. Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. Journal ofAssociation of Physicians of India, 2015; 63: 69-71
  11. Matin A. Primary amebic meningoencephalitis; a new emerging public health threat by Naeg-leria fowleri in Pakistan. Journal of Pharmaseutical Research Drug Design., 2017; 1: 1-3
  12. Grace E, Asbill S, Virga K Naegleria fowleri: a review of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment options. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2015; 59(11): 6677-6681.
  13. Baig AM. Pathogenesis of amoebic encephalitis: are the amoebae being credited to an „inside job?done by the host immune response? Acta Tropica, 2015; 148: 72-76. Yoder J, Eddy B, Visvesvara G, Capewell L, Beach M. The epidemiology of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis in the USA, 1962–2008. Journal          of Epidermology and Infection, 2010; 138: 968- 975.
  14. Shariq A, Afridi FI, Farooqi BJ, Ahmed S, Hussain A. Fatal primary meningoencephalitis caused by Naegleria fowleri. Journal of College of Physiciansand Surgeons Pakistan., 2014; 24: 523-525.
  15. Jarolim KL, McCosh JK, Howard MJ, John DT. A light microscopy study of themigration of Naegleria fowleri from the nasal submucosa to the central nervous system during the early stage of primary amebic meningoencephalitis in mice. Journal of Parasitology, 2000; 86: 50–55.
  16. John DT, Cole TB Jr, Bruner RA. 1985. Amebostomes of Naegleria fowleri. Journal of Protozoology, 1985; 32: 12–19
  17. Marciano-Cabral F, Cabral GA. The immune response to Naegleria fowleri amebae and pathogenesis of infection. Journal of FEMS Immunology of Medical Microbiology, 2007;51: 243–259.
  18. De Jonckheere JF. Origin and evolution of the worldwide distributed pathogenic amoeboflagellate Naegleria fowleri. Journal of Infection Genetic and Evolution, 2011; 11: 1520-1528
  19. Yoder JS, Straif-Bourgeois S, Roy SL, Andreas j. Linscott. Primary amebic meningoencephalitisdeaths associated with sinus irrigation using contaminated tap water.journal of Clinical Infectious Disease., 2012; 55: 79-85.
  20. Visvesvara GS, Moura H, Schuster FL. Pathogenic and opportunistic free-living amoebae: Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia mandrillaris, Naegleria fowleri, and Sappinia diploidea Journal of FEMS Immunology of Medical Microbiology, 2007; 50: 1-26.
  21. Matin A. Primary amebic meningoencephalitis; a new emerging public health threat by Naeg-leria fowleri in Pakistan. Journal of Pharmaseutical Research Drug Design, 2017; 1: 1-3.
  22. Schuster FL, Dunnebacke TH. Ultrastructural observations of experimental Naegleria meningoencephalitis in mice: intranuclear inclusions inamebae and host cells Journal of Protozoology 1977; 24:489-497.
  23. Visvesvara GS, Callaway CS.. Light and electron microsopic observationson the pathogenesis of Naegleria fowleri in mouse brain and tissue culture. Journal of Protozoology 1974 ; 21:239-250.
  24. Cope JR, Murphy J, Kahler A, Gorbett DG, Ali I, Taylor B, Corbitt L, Roy S, Lee N, Roellig D, Brewer S, Hill VR, Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis Associated With Rafting on an Artificial Whitewater River: Case Report and Environmental Investigation. Clinical infectious diseases: an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. 2018 ; 66: 548-553 .
  25. Heggie TW. Swimming with death: Naegleria fowleri infections in recreational waters. Journal of Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease. 2010;8:201-206.
  26. Heggie TW, Küpper T. Surviving Naegleria fowleri infections: a successful case report and novel therapeutic approach. . Journal of Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease. 2017;16:49-51
  27. Shakeel S, Iffat W, Khan M. Pharmacy students’ knowledge assessment of Naegleria fowleri infection.        Hindawi publishing corporation scientifica 2016;2:16-22.
  28. Anderson K, Jamieson A. 1974. Bacterial suspensions for the growth of Naegleria species. Pathology 1974; 6:79-84.
  29. Xinyao L, Miao S, Yonghong L, Yin G, Zhongkai Z, Donghui W, Weizhong W, Chencai A. 2006. Feeding characteristics of an amoeba (Lobosea: Naegleria) grazing upon cyanobacteria: food selection, ingestion and digestion progress. Journal of Microbial Ecology 2006 ; 51:315-325.
  30. Corff S, Yuyama S. 1976. Cessation of nuclear DNA synthesis in differentiating Naegleria. Journal of Protozoology 1976 ; 23:587-593.
  31. González-Robles A, Cristóbal-Ramos AR, González-Lázaro M, Omaña-Molina M, Martínez-Palomo A. 2009. Naegleria fowleri: light and electron microscopy study of mitosis. Experimental Parasitology 2009 ; 122:212-217.
  32. González-Robles A, Cristóbal-Ramos AR, González-Lázaro M, Omaña-Molina M, Martínez-Palomo A. 2009. Naegleria fowleri: light and electron microscopy study of mitosis. Experimental Parasitology 2009 ; 122:212-217.
  33. Kao PM, Tung MC, Hsu BM, Hsueh CJ, Chiu YC, Chen NH, et al. Occurrence and Distribution . Journal of applied microbiology 2013 ; 50: 1-60.
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Jyoti sadgir
Corresponding author

Dr. Naikwadi college of D pharmacy, Jamgaon, sinnar

Sagar Dalvi

Dr. Naikwadi college of D pharmacy, Jamgaon, sinnar

Jyoti Sadgir*, Sagar Dalvi, A Brief Review on Naegleria Fowleri-Brain Eating Amoeba, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 12, 2062-2069.

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