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Pitaya, also known as dragon fruit, is a unique tropical plant with many health benefits for people because of its high nutritional content and bioactive components, which include potent antioxidants found in nature. A variety of advantageous biological properties are possessed by extracts from the stems, flowers, peels, and pulps of dragon fruit, which are effective against pathogenic microbes such as bacteria, fungus, and viruses, as well as disorders such as diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidaemia, and cancer. Additionally, there are hepatoprotective, cardiovascular, and prebiotic qualities to dragon fruit extracts. Vietnam is a tropical nation with ideal climate conditions for the growth of papaya plantations, which are highly tolerant and adaptable to a variety of environmental factors (such as drought resistance, Favor light intensity, and salinity adaptation). The dragon fruit's biological activity, nutritional qualities, and commercial. In terms of antimicrobial properties, dragon fruit has demonstrated inhibitory effects against certain bacteria and fungi in various studies. This suggests a potential role in preventing microbial infections and supporting a healthy microbiome. The presence of natural compounds like oligosaccharides and phytochemicals contributes to these antimicrobial properties. Rich in essential vitamins such as vitamin C, B vitamins, and minerals like iron and magnesium, dragon fruit contributes to immune support, iron absorption, and overall well-being. Moreover, dragon fruit's high fibre content aids in digestion and may have a positive impact on gut health. The combination of antioxidants, vitamins, and fibre makes dragon fruit a valuable addition to a balanced diet. In this work, pectin was extracted using a hot acid extraction method for 75 minutes at a pH of 3.5 from the peel of dragon fruit. As a solvent, distilled water was utilized, and diluted HCl was used to create an acidic atmosphere. By using FTIR, the degree of esterification (DE) was analysed. Based on DE (52%) the extracted pectin was classified as high methoxy pectin. Pitaya, dragon fruit, is a unique tropical plant with many health benefits for people because of its high nutritional content and bioactive components, which include potent antioxidants found in nature. Extracts from the stems, blooms, peels, and pulps of dragon fruit have a variety of advantageous biological properties that protect against diseases including diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidemia, and cancer as well dangerous microbes like bacteria, fungi, and viruses.


antimicrobial, red dragon fruit peel extract, pitaya etc. Gram+ bacteria, Gram- bacteria, extraction


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Gautami L. Ingle
Corresponding author

Nandkumar shinde college of pharmacy,Aghur, vaijapur

Divya sonawane

Nandkumar shinde college of pharmacy,Aghur, vaijapur

Arvind hatkar

Nandkumar shinde college of pharmacy,Aghur, vaijapur

G. L. Ingle*, D. M. Sonawane, A. K. Hatkar, The Benefit’s And Anti-Microbial Effect Of Dragon Fruit, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 7-12.

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