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Disintegrants play a crucial role as excipients in solid oral formulations. In immediate release and oral dispersible tablet formulations, super disintegrants like croscarmellose sodium, sodium starch glycolate, crospovidone, and polacrilin potassium are added in small quantities to counteract the effects of compression and binder after administration. The hygroscopic nature of these super disintegrants facilitates the penetration of water into the tablet matrix, while their cross-linkage reduces solubility in water. This article provides an overview of various factors that can influence the functionality of super disintegrants, including molecular and physicochemical factors (such as degree of cross-linkage and substitution, particle size, particle porosity, and impurities), formulation and process factors (such as solubility and hygroscopicity of fillers and binders, incompatibility, pH, lubricants, mode of disintegrant addition, granulation, mixer shear rate, compression pressure, and reworking), as well as aging and storage conditions.


Super disintegrants, dissolution rate, polymers, Disintegrants, Natural, Synthetic.


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Kute Somnath S.
Corresponding author

Pratibhatai Pawar College of Pharmacy,Shrirampur

Sonwane Sonali S.

Pratibhatai Pawar College of Pharmacy,Shrirampur

Jadhav Vaibhav A

Pratibhatai Pawar College of Pharmacy,Shrirampur

Kute Somnath S.*, Sonwane Sonali S. , Jadhav Vaibhav A. , Super disintegrants: An Overview, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 77-89.

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