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  • Review on Achyranthes aspera

  • Associate prof. & H.O.D of Pharmacognosy, Varadaraja Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Tumkur
    Varadaraja Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Tumkur


Human health depends on medicinal plants. Since ancient times, they have been widely utilized in conventional medical systems all throughout the world. They are employed in medication research projects and are a valuable source of natural ingredients. Many plant-based medications that have been used for millennia are being employed in contemporary pharmacology. However, there is still promise for medicinal plants because many species have not yet been researched or need to be examined in more detail with regard to both their chemical components and biological characteristics. Hence in the present study a review on Achyranthes aspera has been mainly focused.


Achyranthes aspera, Apamarga, Covid 19, Colon cancer, Anticonvulsant


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Ramakrishna S.
Corresponding author

Associate prof. & H.O.D of Pharmacognosy, Varadaraja Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Tumkur

Ruqiya bi

Varadaraja Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Tumkur

Ramakrishna S., Ruqiya bi, Development and Validation of Reverse-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Method for Estimation of Dapagliflozin in Bulk and Formulation, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 10, 140-149.

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