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Several different varieties of mouthwashes are accessible to us nowadays, including chemical as well as herbal formulations. Appropriate mouthwash can be selected depending on the oral condition, risk, and efficiency of mouthwash. Mouthwash is an aqueous solution that is most commonly used for plaque control. It is a medicated liquid that is held in the mouth and swished by the action of perioral musculature to eliminate oral pathogens. Herbal medicine takes a preventive approach. The main advantage of these natural herbs is that no side effects have been reported to date. Aside from that, all herbal mouthwash Wash is free of alcohol and or sugar. Nowadays people may face more oral problems like periodontal disease, sore throat, gingivitis, and plaque. For maintaining good oral health various formulations are formulated. A mouthwash is recommended for controlling plaque, bad breath, toothache, and bacteria. Herbal Mouthwash is preferred over chemical mouthwash as it shows fewer side effects and is non-irritant and less toxic. Herbal mouthwash consists of extracts of Crude drugs which have no or fewer side effects as compared to synthetic mouthwash. Herbal mouthwashes are prepared from various plant extracts. Mouthwash is a liquid that is held in the mouth passively or swilled around the mouth by contraction of the Perioral muscles and/or movement of the head and maybe gargled, where the head is tilted back and the Liquid bubbled at the back of the mouth. Oral healthcare professionals would find this review helpful for accurate mouthwash selection while dealing with different conditions of the oral cavity.


Mouthwash, Herb, Plant extract.


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Suryakant H. Bokhare
Corresponding author

Assistant Professor Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Saraswati Institute of Pharmacy Kurtadi, Taluka kalamnuri Dist. .Hingoli, Maharashtra India

Aishwarya S. Maske

Final year Pharm Student of Saraswati Institute of pharmacy Kurtadi, Taluka kalamnuri Dist. Hingoli Maharashtra India

Ravi S. Mohite

Final year Pharm Student of Saraswati Institute of pharmacy Kurtadi, Taluka kalamnuri Dist. Hingoli Maharashtra India

Adinath P. Magar

Final year Pharm Student of Saraswati Institute of pharmacy Kurtadi, Taluka kalamnuri Dist. Hingoli Maharashtra India

Vishal V. Mane

Final year Pharm Student of Saraswati Institute of pharmacy Kurtadi, Taluka kalamnuri Dist. Hingoli Maharashtra India

Suryakant H. Bokhare, Aishwarya S. Maske , Ravi S. Mohite , Adinath P. Magar, Vishal V. Mane , Herbal Mouthwash For The Management Of Oral Diseases, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 2, 465-468.

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