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The main objective of the present study was to formulate a poly-herbal facial scrub with the incorporation of Red Lentils (Masoor Dal) as the main active ingredient. Cosmetics are the products used for the purpose of cleaning, beautifying, enhancing attractiveness, or changing the appearance. Plant-based cosmeceuticals usually contain some of the plants with antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-aging properties. Herbal cosmetics are the safest everyday products with no side effects, and cosmeceuticals are products that affect the biological function of the skin. The use of natural constituents to act potentially against wrinkles, acne and they also helps in control of secretion of oil from the skin open pores that is why they are the part of herbal cosmetics. The majority of times, the skin on the face is in regular contact with dirt, pollution and other contaminants. Scrub comprises various natural components that are safe to use, have fewer adverse effects, and having antibacterial, Anti-infective, Anti-aging properties. In this formulation of facial scrub Masoor Dal, orange peel, rice flour, Multani mitti, sandal wood, Neem, Tulsi, Fenugreek, turmeric, coffee, Almond oil used as active ingredients. In this study, various herbal powders were used to formulate herbal face scrubs and evaluated with parameters such as colour, odour, pH, irritability, Washability, particle size.


Herbal, Natural, Cosmetics, Skin Exfoliating, Red Lentils


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Kiran Kekane
Corresponding author

Pravara Rural Education Society, College of Pharmacy for Women, Chincholi, Nashik (422103), Maharashtra, India

Akanksha Rayate

Pravara Rural Education Society, College of Pharmacy for Women, Chincholi, Nashik (422103), Maharashtra, India

Prapti Vikhe

Pravara Rural Education Society, College of Pharmacy for Women, Chincholi, Nashik (422103), Maharashtra, India

Tejashri Mulay

Pravara Rural Education Society, College of Pharmacy for Women, Chincholi, Nashik (422103), Maharashtra, India

Akanksha Rayate, Prapti Vikhe, Kiran Kekane, Tejashri Mulay, Formulation And Evaluation of Red Lentils Herbal Face Scrub, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 7, 306-316.

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