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An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, often in the fallopian tube. Without prompt diagnosis and treatment, ectopic pregnancies can have life-threatening effect It has a infrequent type of pregnancy .In this review to describe the etiology ,risk factors ,causes, diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy. We present the case report of ruptured intestinal pregnancy diagnosed in a 32 years old patients suffering from acute abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding .The treatment must be early and appropriate in order to Avoid complications and preserve fertility .Recent advancements in imaging techniques and biochemical markers have significantly reduced the number of women experiencing ruptured ectopic pregnancies. Early detection and appropriate treatment can preserve fertility and minimize associated complications.


Ectopic pregnancy , diagnosis , etiology , case report , causes ,risk factors..


Ectopic gestation is defined as the implantation of gestation outside the endometrial depression. It’s common during the first trimester and is one of the leading causes of motherly mortality which ranges from 2 to2.5( 1). The great maturity of ectopic gravidity implant in the Fallopian tube 96 and only7.3 of tubal gravidity are interstitial making them the rarest among tubal gravidity( 2). The most common symptom of EP is vaginal bleeding associated with pain and lower abdominal cramps. Interstitial gestation poses a serious individual challenges due to late donation, low perceptivity and low particularity of symptoms. Women with interstitial gestation could remain Asymptomatic for several weeks because the interstitial portion of the tube Can expand further than other tubal parts before rupture( 3). The stylish course of treatment depends on the Condition of the case and its position and may involve a variety of Surgical styles as well as methotrexate- grounded pharmaceutical remedy, with surgery serving as the dependence of medical treatment. Beforehand discovery and action are pivotal to precluding potentially fatal Consequences including the development of a burst fallopian tube( 4).


Fig No 1 Implantation Sites Of An Ectopic Pregnancy.



With extra than 90% of instances going on within the fallopan tube, Ectopic implantation happens there maximum regularly . despite the fact that, Implantation in the cervix (1%), ovary (1% to 3%), stomach (1%), And caesarean scar (1% to three%) can appear and frequently leads to expanded morbidity because of delayed detection and remedy. The condition referred to as heterotopic pregnancy occurs when an Ectopic being pregnant and an intrauterine pregnancy co-arise. Ladies who become pregnant evidently are thought to be at a hazard Of heterotopic being pregnant of one in 4,000 to one in 30,000, but girls who have passed through in vitro fertilization are notion to be vulnerable to up to one in a hundred.[5]

 Risk factors and causes :

Fig no 2 Distribution of Risk factors among reported cases.



Fig no 3 Causes of ectopic pregnancy .



 Beforehand opinion can reduce the mortality and morbidity associated with Ectopic gestation. Following the history and physical examination, the Two most important individual tests in assessing for an ectopic gestation are trans vaginal ultrasound( TVUS) and a serum mortal chorionic gonadotropin( hCG) position. The perceptivity and particularity of combining these tests Has been reported to range from 95 to 100.( 6) Ultrasound is a safe, non-invasive and extensively available individual Modality; substantially used as the first- line individual tool. In our study, 29 Cases(35.36) of IMP were rightly diagnosed or explosively suspected After the original ultrasound. The most generally described ultrasound.

Features were as follows

  1. Empty uterus and cervical conduit with the endometrial depression not Connected to the GS.
  2. GS( with/ without a fetal pole), a mass or unformed echoes incompletely or fully girdled by the myometrium.
  3. Thin myometrial serosal face generally measuring 3 mm or lower.
  4. Asymmetrically enlarged uterus with distorted figure.

Treatment :

In the opinion is made, several factors impact the decision to treat An ectopic gestation medically or surgically. However, also Immediate surgical treatment via laparotomy or laparoscopy is necessary, If the case is unstable. In the history, laparotomy with salpingectomy was considered the gold standard, But with the vacuity of minimally invasive technology and adding Croaker skill, laparoscopy is now the treatment of choice. Laparoscopy is associated with a briskly recovery, shorter hospitalization, reduced Overall costs, and lower pain, bleeding, and adhesion conformation. After hemodynamically stable case, surgery is still the preferred route for heterotopic gestation, tubal rupture, or imminent threat of rupture.( 8)When the Cases parade any of the following an suggestion of intraperitoneal hemorrhage, symptoms suggestive of a continuing ruptured ectopic Mass, or hemodynamic insecurity, surgical remedy is needed( 5).

Case Presentation :

A 32- time-old case, 2 gravida 1 para with a former vaginal delivery, presented to the exigency department at 7 weeks of amenorrhea for pelvic pain. Clinical examination set up a normal blood pressure With tachycardia at 130/ min and a tender tummy. The Bhcg position was 15,000 IU/L. Transvaginal ultrasound showed an empty uterus with a 30 × 33 mm gravid sac with no embryo, lateralized to the right, Separated from the uterine depression by a 3 mm myometrial hem, associated With a moderate intraperitoneal fluid effusion(Fig. 1). An exigency Mini-laparotomy was indicated for dubitation of ruptured ectopic gestation, which allowed the discovery of a hemoperitoneum with ruptured redundant uterine gestation in the interstitial part of the right tube. A cornuostomy with right salpingectomy was also successfully performed. Post Operation recovery was uneventful.

Discussion :

Interstitial EP, in contrast to tubal EP, is regularly diagnosed overdue and is related to an accelerated danger of rupture and maternal morbidity. Clinically, pain is the primary reason for session, that’s the case for Our affected person. Metrorrhagia is not continually regular . The ultrasound locating changed into common of interstitial pregnancy, such as an eccentric gestational sac, surrounded with the aid of a myometrial rim, Separated >1 cm from an empty uterine cavity . Ackerman et al. additionally defined the presence of an echogenic line, connecting the eccentric Gestational sac with the endometrial cavity, representing the interstitial part of the fallopian tube . This signal was now not observed in our case, Given the advanced gestational age of the pregnancy. Control of interstitial pregnancies depends on gestational age, Hemodynamic popularity, fertility preference, and health care professional enjoy . For scientific treatment, intra-muscular injection of methotrexate is the approach of choice . not like the Fernandez score for tubal EP, there’s No threshold fee for serum ?-hCG degrees beneath which the drug should not be used . scientific treatment is increasingly more used these days with Variable success prices, mainly for un ruptured interstitial pregnancies .nonetheless, the risk of failure and rupture is continually present [5]. Surgical remedy is based totally on a rapid approach by means of laparoscopy or laparotomy to make sure homeostasis . The surgical method includes Cornuostomy or cornual resection, with salpingectomy. It’s far indicated in cases of ruptured interstitial EP and/or a gestational sac >40mm, which turned into the case for our affected person . the principle complications of dealt with interstitial pregnancies are Recurrence and uterine rupture in next pregnancies. Recurrence is The prerogative of medical remedy and cornuostomy, whereas uterine Rupture is secondary to surgical treatment by way of cornual resection, in all likelihood due to the fragility of the uterine wall. Although, current studies are greater reassuring on this factor and do not recommend systematic prophylactic c- phase . We plan near and early surveillance in case of being pregnant in our affected person [9].



Fig. 4. Trasnvaginal ultrasound; left: absence of an intrauterine pregnancy on ultrasound. Right: eccentrically located gestational sac (black arrow) and the uterus (red arrow). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)


Many individuals experience the complication despite having neither physical symptoms of EP nor any known risk factors. However, due to improved diagnostic methods and more awareness Of women’s health in developed nations, it is no longer as dangerous as It formerly was. The clinical presentation, serum – hCG levels, and TVS Results determine how to proceed with treatment. When an ectopic pregnancy Is suspected, gynecologists and radiologists should be Consulted. Avoid complications and preserve fertility .Recent advancements in imaging techniques and biochemical markers have significantly reduced the number of women experiencing ruptured ectopic pregnancies. Early detection and appropriate treatment can preserve fertility and minimize associated complications.


  1. L.L. Marion, G.R. Meeks, Ectopic pregnancy: history, incidence, epidemiology, and risk factors, Clin. Obstet. Gynecol. 55 (2) (2012) 376–386.
  2. Khan Z, Lindheim SR. In pursuit of understanding interstitial Pregnancies: a rare yet high-risk ectopic pregnancy. Fertil Steril. 2019 Aug;112(2):246- 247.Doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2019.05.027. Epub 2019 Jun 27. PMID: 31257000.
  3. Corioni S, Perelli F, Bianchi C, Cozzolino M, Maggio L, Masini G. Interstitial pregnancy treated with a single-dose of systemic Methotrexate: A successful management. J Res Med Sci. 20s15;20:312-6.
  4. M.H. Ascarelli, Unilateral twin ectopic gestation. A case report, J. Reprod. Med. 34 (10) (1989 Oct) 850–852. 2677358.
  5. Shilpy S, Praveen A. Brief Outline of Ectopic Pregnancy. Clin Case Rep Int. 2023; 7: 1541.
  6. Liberato V. Mukul, MD*,Stephanie B. Teal, MD, MPH Current Management of Ectopic pregnancy, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, Academic Office 1, B198-2, 12631 East 17th Avenue ,P.O. Box 6511, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.
  7. Carnot N. Ntafam a,*, Itunu Oluwa Sanusi-Musa b, Robert D. Harris c ,Intramural ectopic pregnancy: An individual patient data systematic review ,a Detroit Medical Center Sinai- Grace Hospital, Detroit, MI 48235, USA B Mount Saint John’s Medical Center, St John, Antigua C Barbuda C Drexel University College of Medicine, Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburg, PA 15237, USA .
  8. Liberato V. Mukul, MD*,Stephanie B. Teal, MD, MPH, Current Management of Ectopic Pregnancy, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, Academic Office 1, B198-2, 12631 East 17th Avenue P.O. Box 6511, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.
  9. Sarah Boujida *, Oumaima M’hamdi, Hounaida Mahfoud, Aziz Baydada, Aicha Kharbach ,Ruptured interstitial ectopic pregnancy: A case report and review of The literature ,Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Maternity of Souissi, Faculty of Medicine, Mohamed V Souissi University, Rabat, Morocco  


  1. L.L. Marion, G.R. Meeks, Ectopic pregnancy: history, incidence, epidemiology, and risk factors, Clin. Obstet. Gynecol. 55 (2) (2012) 376–386.
  2. Khan Z, Lindheim SR. In pursuit of understanding interstitial Pregnancies: a rare yet high-risk ectopic pregnancy. Fertil Steril. 2019 Aug;112(2):246- 247.Doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2019.05.027. Epub 2019 Jun 27. PMID: 31257000.
  3. Corioni S, Perelli F, Bianchi C, Cozzolino M, Maggio L, Masini G. Interstitial pregnancy treated with a single-dose of systemic Methotrexate: A successful management. J Res Med Sci. 20s15;20:312-6.
  4. M.H. Ascarelli, Unilateral twin ectopic gestation. A case report, J. Reprod. Med. 34 (10) (1989 Oct) 850–852. 2677358.
  5. Shilpy S, Praveen A. Brief Outline of Ectopic Pregnancy. Clin Case Rep Int. 2023; 7: 1541.
  6. Liberato V. Mukul, MD*,Stephanie B. Teal, MD, MPH Current Management of Ectopic pregnancy, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, Academic Office 1, B198-2, 12631 East 17th Avenue ,P.O. Box 6511, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.
  7. Carnot N. Ntafam a,*, Itunu Oluwa Sanusi-Musa b, Robert D. Harris c ,Intramural ectopic pregnancy: An individual patient data systematic review ,a Detroit Medical Center Sinai- Grace Hospital, Detroit, MI 48235, USA B Mount Saint John’s Medical Center, St John, Antigua C Barbuda C Drexel University College of Medicine, Allegheny Health Network, Pittsburg, PA 15237, USA .
  8. Liberato V. Mukul, MD*,Stephanie B. Teal, MD, MPH, Current Management of Ectopic Pregnancy, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, Academic Office 1, B198-2, 12631 East 17th Avenue P.O. Box 6511, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.
  9. Sarah Boujida *, Oumaima M’hamdi, Hounaida Mahfoud, Aziz Baydada, Aicha Kharbach ,Ruptured interstitial ectopic pregnancy: A case report and review of The literature ,Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Maternity of Souissi, Faculty of Medicine, Mohamed V Souissi University, Rabat, Morocco  

Pratiksha Sanjay Gadade
Corresponding author

Department of B Pharmacy, Shantiniketan College of Pharmacy ,Dhotre (Bk), Ahmednagar -414304 , Dist . Ahmednagar (M.S.) India .

Arjun Shivaji Rathod

Department of B Pharmacy, Shantiniketan College of Pharmacy ,Dhotre (Bk), Ahmednagar -414304 , Dist . Ahmednagar (M.S.) India .

Pratiksha S. Gadade, Arjun S. Rathod, Brief Outline and Case Study of Ectopic Pregnancy, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 5, 152-156.

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