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To investigate the perspectives of peritoneal dialysis patients regarding their body image, assess their quality of life, and evaluate their emotional intelligence levels, providing valuable insights for their care and support. Methods. This study analysed data from 739 ESRD patients registered in the Chinese National Renal Data System between 2010 and 2018. Results. Compared to hemodialysis patients, Peritoneal dialysis patients had a higher level of emotional intelligence and a lower level of mental health. In addition, compared to Hemodialysis patients, patients with Peritoneal dialysis had poorer dietary behaviour, nutrient intake, and nutritional status. Conclusions. The research highlights the need to enhance the quality of lives of dialysis patients, with a focus on elderly individuals and those with peptic ulcer disease, and highlights the potential benefits of Peritoneal in this context. The study explores the implications of peritonitis, fluid choice, and PD membrane status on TF.


Hemodialysis, Peritoneal dialysis, Kidney care ,Chronic renal failure.


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Nivetha B.
Corresponding author

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Excel College of  Pharmacy ,Namakkal District Tamil Nadu.

Manivannan R.

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Excel College of  Pharmacy ,Namakkal District Tamil Nadu.

Arunkumar P.

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Excel College of  Pharmacy ,Namakkal District Tamil Nadu.

Gokul V

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Excel College of  Pharmacy ,Namakkal District Tamil Nadu.

Satheeshkumar R.

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Excel College of  Pharmacy ,Namakkal District Tamil Nadu.

Sathya V.

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Excel College of  Pharmacy ,Namakkal District Tamil Nadu.

Sudharsanan G.

Department of Pharmacy Practice, Excel College of  Pharmacy ,Namakkal District Tamil Nadu.

Nivetha B. , Manivannan R. , Arunkumar P. , Gokul V. , Satheeshkumar R. , Sathya V. , Sudharsanan G., Assessing The Benefits, Risks, Psychological Issues And Costeffective Analysis In Peritoneal Dialysis And Hemodialysis, Int. J. of Pharm. Sci., 2024, Vol 2, Issue 1, 675-787.

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