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  • An In Depth Exploration of Ginkgo Biloba: A Review

  • 1Assistant Professor (Academics & Research) Lucknow Model College of Pharmacy, Lucknow, UP, India
    2Director (Academics & Research) Lucknow Model College of Pharmacy, Lucknow, UP, India


Ginkgo biloba, commonly known as the ginkgo tree, is one of the oldest living tree species on Earth and holds significant importance in traditional medicine and modern research. This research paper provides a comprehensive review of the botanical properties, medicinal benefits, and therapeutic potential of Ginkgo biloba. We explore its historical usage, phytochemical composition, and various pharmacological activities, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and cardiovascular effects. Additionally, we discuss its potential applications in cognitive enhancement and neurological disorders. Furthermore, this paper presents a critical analysis of the safety and potential adverse effects associated with Ginkgo biloba use.


Ginkgo Biloba


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Shreya Talreja
Corresponding author

Assistant Professor (Academics & Research) Lucknow Model College of Pharmacy, Lucknow, UP, India

Dr Shashank Tiwari

Director (Academics & Research) Lucknow Model College of Pharmacy, Lucknow, UP, India

Shreya Talreja*, Dr Shashank Tiwari, An In-Depth Exploration of Ginkgo Biloba: A Review, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 7, 326-334.

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