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Ayurvedic traditional medicine frequently employs the medicinal herb Tinospora cordifolia. Having a multiple therapeutical activity which is used in treatment of various disorders. It’s another names are Amrita and Guduchi. Amrita means the drink of god that bestows immortality. So the giloy is also known as Nector of god. The family of giloy is Menispermaceae. In traditional indian medicinal system it is imperative plant. Giloy contains chemical constituents that are Alkaloid, Terpenoids, Lignans, Steroids, which shows pharmacological activity. The element of giloy used in Siddha, Unani, Ayurvedic medicinal system. This review article is on the therapeutical properties, collection, cultivation, harvesting, chemical constituents of giloy which analysed for future research


Giloy, Guduchi, Ayurveda, Nector


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Shital Devkar
Corresponding author

Ashokrao Mane Institute Of Pharmacy, Ambap Kolhapur 416112, Maharashtra, India

Suvarna Deshmukh

Ashokrao Mane Institute Of Pharmacy, Ambap Kolhapur 416112, Maharashtra, India

Sourabh Patil

Ashokrao Mane Institute Of Pharmacy, Ambap Kolhapur 416112, Maharashtra, India

Shreyash Koli

Ashokrao Mane Institute Of Pharmacy, Ambap Kolhapur 416112, Maharashtra, India

Prachi L. Khochage

Ashokrao Mane Institute Of Pharmacy, Ambap Kolhapur 416112, Maharashtra, India

Nilesh B. Chougule

Ashokrao Mane Institute Of Pharmacy, Ambap Kolhapur 416112, Maharashtra, India

Shital Devkar*, Suvarna Deshmukh, Sourabh Patil, Shreeyash Koli, Prachi Khochage, Nilesh Chougule, Allounder Of Ayurveda-Tinospora Cordifolia, Int. J. in Pharm. Sci., 2023, Vol 1, Issue 12, 580-598. 10.5281/zenodo.10423831

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